Hanglung Law Biernat & Kossacki
Spółka parnetrska Radcy Prawnego i Adwokata

based in Warsaw, 22 Kowieńska Street, 03-438 Warsaw, entered in the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Department of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000892530, NIP 7011030132.

Localizations 地点

ul. Kowieńska 22 lok. 51
03-438 Warszawa
Google maps

Flaga Chin Shanghai

8th Floor, No. 98 Wanping Road South,
Shanghai 200032, China
Google maps

Flaga Polski Tarnów

ul. Chopina 15,
33-100 Tarnów
Google maps

Jurisdictions 管辖范围
  • Budynek w Indiach Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiIndia

    India is a union of 28 states and 8 union territories. Despite the British roots of the Indian legal system, the lawmakers of independent India chose to adapt the legal system to India’s unique circumstances. This Asian country’s created hybrid legal system contains elements of civil law, common law and elements of religious law. Despite its complexity, we have a deep understanding of the applicable law in India. Our experience of working with the laws of Asian countries allows us to understand the causes and difficult consequences of problems that our clients may face. We offer comprehensive and effective legal assistance in India, based on our knowledge, experience and close cooperation with Indian specialists.

  • Budynek w Wietnamie Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiVietnam

    Vietnam undoubtedly remains one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. Thanks to the constant promotion of Vietnam’s investment potential, the amount of foreign direct is growing year on year. Investors are choosing industries such as food processing, garments and construction, taking advantage of the vast opportunities in this nation of over 97 million people.
    We offer legal services to clients seeking assistance with matters related to Vietnam. The experience of Hanglung Law’s specialists and close cooperation with Vietnamese professionals serving our clients with their knowledge allows us to guarantee effective and reliable assistance.

  • Budynek w Pakistanie Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiPakistan

    Pakistan‘s security and economic situation has improved in recent years. The decline in terrorist attacks, the growth of the manufacturing industry, the high human potential and the expansion of infrastructure through Pakistan-China cooperation are improving the country’s economic situation. Pakistan could become an increasingly attractive economic destination. The country’s legal order, due to its colonial history, is derived from English common law. Being a parliamentary democracy, Pakistan’s legislative powers and executive authority are divided between the federation and its constituent provinces. At Hanglung, we understand this legal situation. By working with specialists experienced in dealing with Pakistani law, we know how to help clients.

  • Budynki w Chinach Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiChina

    China is a country where Hanglung Law has many years of experience in handling client cases, including representation before Chinese courts. We are specialists in our field. We are well acquainted with all procedures and customs associated with Chinese court proceedings. The Shanghai branch of our law firm, thanks to the involvement of our Chinese team, can provide not only court representation in China, but also assist with any case where it is necessary to be “on the ground”. Thanks to our ongoing cooperation with Chinese lawyers who are very familiar with the law and practice in their own country, we provide our clients with a reliable but also efficient service.

  • jurysdykcja singapur Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiSingapore

    The legal system of Singapore – a country once part of the British Commonwealth – has its roots in English law and practice. To this day, common law remains the foundation of the country’s legal system. Since independence, Singapore has developed its own legal system, uniquely tailoring it to the unique social and economic circumstances of this city-state. We have an excellent understanding of the Singaporean legal framework. Our many years of experience operating in Asia allows us to thoroughly understand and accurately assess the needs of clients in need of legal assistance in the country. Thanks to our ongoing cooperation with experienced Singaporean professionals, we are able to guarantee our clients the highest level of legal services.

  • jurysdykcja hongkong Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiHongkong

    Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The principle of one country with two systems is a dominant feature of Hong Kong’s Basic Law (The Basic Law, 1997). The legal system prevailing in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is therefore different from that known in mainland China. It is based on customary law, supplemented by local law. We have many years of experience operating in Hong Kong. We represent clients before the local courts. We are well acquainted with and understand the peculiarities of this unique region. We work with experienced professionals, providing professional assistance to our clients – both in proceedings before the courts and with any other matter with which you may need reliable support.

  • jurysdykcja izrael Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiIsrael

    Israel is a parliamentary democracy that upholds the principle of the separation of powers. Its legal system is modelled on many of the solutions of the British legal system, supplemented and adapted to the needs of Jewish law. At the firm, we have an excellent understanding of the difficult historical relationship between Poland and Israel. We assist in resolving difficult cases of historical and legal substance, including the obtaining of Polish citizenship. We also have experience in handling criminal cases.

  • jurysdykcja łotwa Oznaczenie jurysdykcjiLatvia

    Latvia, which lies along the coast of the Baltic Sea, is close to Poland both geographically and legally. The country’s legal system is similar to that of France and Germany and is based on the civil law tradition.

    We offer professional legal assistance to clients in need of support with Latvian law. Cooperation with Latvian specialists allows us not only to provide reliable advice, but also to effectively assist clients in resolving cases “on the spot”.