We provide a Chinese business entity verification service.

Verification is performed in order to obtain information about a business entity, assess its credibility and to assess what risks might arise as a result of engaging in cooperation with it. Experienced specialists will obtain and analyze the collected data, individually assessing the opportunities and threats related to cooperation with the verified entity.

  • 报告名称 Basic Verification - TIER I
    • Basic information about the company 
    • The scope of the company’s business activities 
    • Licenses held by the company 
    • Information on administrative penalties imposed 
    • Presence of the company in the registers of companies with suspicious activity 
    • Presence of the company on the list of companies that seriously violate the law and are not trustworthy (the so-called black list) 
    • Information on publicly available court documents in cases concerning the company 
    199 USD * Price does not include tax.
    ** The price applies to the standard mode, other modes can be checked in the form below.
    Przykładowy raport w PDFSee an example report Order report
  • 报告名称 Extended Verification - TIER II
    • Basic information about the company 
    • The scope of the company’s business activities 
    • Licenses held by the company 
    • Information on administrative penalties imposed 
    • Presence of the company in the registers of companies with suspicious activity 
    • Presence of the company on the list of companies that seriously violate the law and are not trustworthy (the so-called black list) 
    • Information on publicly available court documents in cases concerning the company 
    • Analysis of the company’s ownership structure 
    • Verification of suspicious and potentially significant connections 
    • Verification of opinions about the company on the English and Chinese-language Internet 
    • Analysis of pending court proceedings involving the verified company.
    389 USD * Price does not include tax.
    ** The price applies to the standard mode, other modes can be checked in the form below.
    Przykładowy raport w PDFSee an example report Order report
  • 报告名称 Comprehensive Verification - TIER III
    • Basic information about the company 
    • The scope of the company’s business activities 
    • Licenses held by the company 
    • Information on administrative penalties imposed 
    • Presence of the company in the registers of companies with suspicious activity 
    • Presence of the company on the list of companies that seriously violate the law and are not trustworthy (the so-called black list) 
    • Information on publicly available court documents in cases concerning the company 
    • Analysis of the company’s ownership structure 
    • Verification of suspicious and potentially significant connections 
    • Verification of opinions about the company on the English and Chinese-language Internet 
    • Analysis of pending court proceedings involving the verified company 
    • Maximum verification of the company 
    • Analysis of issues pointed out by the Client 
    • Implementation of individual customer wishes regarding verification.
    499 USD * Price does not include tax.
    ** The price applies to the standard mode, other modes can be checked in the form below.
    Przykładowy raport w PDFSee an example report Order report

Why verify a Chinese company?

Undoubtedly, establishing business relations with a Chinese business entity is a significant opportunity for growing your business. At the same time, as in the case of any business relationship, its establishment involves certain risks and dangers that are worth knowing about before making a decision. Choosing our services ensures that you will have the most important information about a Chinese partner, allowing you to objectively assess its credibility and to avoid establishing a business relationship with a business entity that engages in suspicious practices or acts fraudulently towards in its commercial dealings.

Place your order

      Basic raport Extended report Comprehensive report
    Standard mode 199 USD 389 USD 499 USD
    Fast mode 597 USD 1167 USD 1497 USD
    Express mode 995 USD 1945 USD 2495 USD
    * The prices do not include VAT. Customer information
    Enter your tax identification number preceded by the country ISO code - for example: PL1234567890 (no spaces and special characters - only capital letters and numbers, otherwise system will not recognize it), then click "Verify". After that, the verification in the European VIES VAT database will take place - it may take up to a few seconds. Entity verification In order to verify the company, we need to know what kind of entity it is. Please attach a license, invoice, contract or other document with it's name. Alternatively, please provide the name of the entity (retaining the original name in Simplified Chinese) or enter the entity number in the Chinese Business Registry. Option nr 1: Attach file (containing the name of the company to be verified) Allowed file formats: pdf, jpeg, jpg, png Read Verification Service Terms and Conditions
    Total cost:
    * Price includes tax - 23% VAT.
    * Price does not include VAT.
    Note: Tax ID number verification is required.