Karol Czekałowski

Senior Associate | Attorney-at-law trainee

The trainee lawyer is responsible for coordinating the work of the team specialising in cases related to the People’s Republic of China. He assists with international proceedings, verifying business entities, and assisting with Polish-Chinese proceedings and negotiations. He coordinates day-to-day cooperation between the Polish department and the Shanghai-based team.

Since 2022, has been a trainee attorney-at-law at the Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law. He specializes in Chinese civil law and private international law. For two years now, he has worked as a Chinese affairs specialist at Hanglung Law Biernat & Kossacki Spółka Partnerska Radcy Prawnego i Adwokata, where his work involves running the prawochinskie.com.pl blog.

The experience that Karol has gained thanks to multiple stays in China as a participant in study programmes and scientific conferences, his knowledge of the Chinese language and experience of working in a law firm where he cooperates with Chinese every day has enabled him to become a specialist in this field, opening his eyes to the completely different perspective that the Chinese bring to bear on seemingly simple and obvious issues. He is pleased with his efforts to popularise Chinese law in Poland.

Experience 专业研究

“Choose a job you love and you won’t work another day in your life”.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, where he defended his thesis on the New Silk Road (The Legal and Private Aspects of Rail Freight Transport Between the EU and China). In 2017, he graduated from the CLTE programme at the China University of Political Science and Law, which is annually ranked as the second-best law school in China. In 2022, Karol completed an LLM programme (additional master’s degree for lawyers in foreign law) in Chinese law as a scholarship holder. He has been an active member of the Chinese Law Association since 2018 and president of the association’s board since 2022.

At work, he loves the opportunity to seek justice. A long, carefully prepared and thoroughly analysed case that produces real results and positive effects for a client fills him with pride and motivates him. He can work miracles, often managing to find an entity that a client has given up on tracking down and on recovering lost funds from.

He considers St. Joseph to be the greatest source of authority for him, for silence, work, and taking care of the family along with St. Maksymilian Kolbe, whose example inspires him to set himself the highest possible goals. He believes that anything can inspire you.

Karol devotes his free time to running the Chinese Law Association and improving his knowledge of the Chinese language. As he says, everything about China fascinates him. He is a huge fan of the Chinese art of drinking tea and enjoys Chinese poetry.

Apart from Asia, he likes architecture, painting, liturgy, theology, philosophy, and history. He is also a lover of good food, men’s fashion, and good-quality whiskey and tea. He likes comedies, light novels, fantasy books, and bushcraft.

Karol speaks English, Chinese, and German.

My specializations 专长

Our clients can count on our support at every stage of launching and operating an international business.

We provide specialised and comprehensive legal assistance in the field of company law as well as day-to-day corporate services in Poland, elsewhere in Europe, and in Asia.