Trade in medical products and medicines 医疗产品和药品贸易

We advise Polish and foreign entities operating on the market for medical products, medical devices and medicines.

We have experience in delivering comprehensive legal assistance, thanks to which we are able to effectively support the entire process that extends from a business idea to realising sales on the market.

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As part of our legal practice, we modelled the legal process for selling OTC drugs for corporate entities, including global enterprises with nearly a hundred years of history.

We also advised on the placing of medical products and devices from the United States of America on the European market as well as on trading in such products using e-sales platforms. We have represented numerous entities in disputes regarding the quality standards of products and medical devices imported from the People’s Republic of China (during the COVID-19 pandemic, for example).

Thanks to our experience, we are able to identify potential legal threats or technical problems related to business models at the very beginning of cooperation.


Given our experience, we are able to identify potential legal threats or technical problems related to business models at the very beginning of cooperation.

We are aware that the issues related to medical products, medical devices and drugs are extremely complicated, hence our goal is to cooperate with clients in such a way that each stage of legal support for their often extremely innovative business ideas is fully understandable and predictable.

Our overriding goal is to secure client interests as comprehensively as possible to avoid even unwitting exposure to the high potential fines that can be imposed by the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector and to be able to fully identify obligations.

Explore all the specializations

Our clients can count on our support at every stage of launching and operating an international business.

We provide specialised and comprehensive legal assistance in the field of company law as well as day-to-day corporate services in Poland, elsewhere in Europe, and in Asia.